Saturday 16 August 2008

The Tarot Podcast: Episode 2 - Cups


SWEARY CONTENT WARNING! - Sorry to say this but there is some language in this cast that is not suitable for the ears of minors, miners or mynahs. Listener discretion is advised!

In the second episode Leo & Sue start out by providing an overview of the suits and move on with their look at the suits starting by looking at each card in the suit of cups.

Warm Up: The Suits - An Overview

Main Discussion: The Suit of Cups

We welcome any comments you may have on our show. Reader comments will be addressed starting with Episode 3. Enjoy the cast!

The podcast is covered by the Creative Commons Non-Attribution Sharealike Licence and contains excerpts from music by General Fuzz. The licence terms may be found by clicking the licence label on the right.

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